Chakra UI + React Table
This example shows how to build a sortable data table with Chakra UI's table components, and the React Table library.
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import * as React from "react"; import { Table, Thead, Tbody, Tr, Th, Td, chakra } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { TriangleDownIcon, TriangleUpIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; import { useReactTable, flexRender, getCoreRowModel, ColumnDef, SortingState, getSortedRowModel } from "@tanstack/react-table"; export type DataTableProps<Data extends object> = { data: Data[]; columns: ColumnDef<Data, any>[]; }; export function DataTable<Data extends object>({ data, columns }: DataTableProps<Data>) { const [sorting, setSorting] = React.useState<SortingState>([]); const table = useReactTable({ columns, data, getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel(), onSortingChange: setSorting, getSortedRowModel: getSortedRowModel(), state: { sorting } }); return ( <Table> <Thead> {table.getHeaderGroups().map((headerGroup) => ( <Tr key={}> { => { // see to type this correctly const meta: any = header.column.columnDef.meta; return ( <Th key={} onClick={header.column.getToggleSortingHandler()} isNumeric={meta?.isNumeric} > {flexRender( header.column.columnDef.header, header.getContext() )} <chakra.span pl="4"> {header.column.getIsSorted() ? ( header.column.getIsSorted() === "desc" ? ( <TriangleDownIcon aria-label="sorted descending" /> ) : ( <TriangleUpIcon aria-label="sorted ascending" /> ) ) : null} </chakra.span> </Th> ); })} </Tr> ))} </Thead> <Tbody> {table.getRowModel() => ( <Tr key={}> {row.getVisibleCells().map((cell) => { // see to type this correctly const meta: any = cell.column.columnDef.meta; return ( <Td key={} isNumeric={meta?.isNumeric}> {flexRender(cell.column.columnDef.cell, cell.getContext())} </Td> ); })} </Tr> ))} </Tbody> </Table> ); }
Many examples from the React Table docs are portable to use Chakra UI's components by converting
<table />
to<Table />
,<td />
to<Td />
, etc...